Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Top 5 TV dads

5. Family matters - Eventhough the father screws up and so do the kids in this series for me he his a good dad. He does yell and shout but I understand that different dads will deal with things differently and the father in family matters as a very strict way of dealing with things when it comes to Ealing with his kids.

4. Malcolm in the middle - the dad in this series was great. His kids had no respect and Eventhough his life was pretty bad he had a great sense of humour and I think has a dad he did a great job in bringing up his kids. The respect that the children had for him was shocking but I think he did really well has a father.

3. The fresh prince of Bel Air - the dad in this was great. I felt like he was a great role model and he looked after his children very well. With this character though unlike some of the other dads, he his wealthy meaning it Will be easier when it comes to ensuring his children have everything they need.

2. Homer Simpson -  Homer is a great dad and one of the best families on TV. This series as a very important message for children and with the homer family I feel that homer is with the children has much as Marge is and the family gets on very well with not a lot of arguments. This means that the children are brought up really well.

1. The Cosby show - In my opinion this would be the best dad on TV. This dad had a lot of issues to deal with and it wasn't an easy task to bring up his children. There were many situations where he could have lost his temper and possibly injured or killed his children but how he dealt with them was fantastic and I don't think there are many dads on TV who could have done exactly what this dad did.

Saturday, June 6, 2015

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